
  • Gunnar von Gusto

    Gunnar left us yesterday. Stubbornly and strongly, as was his way. He was 14 years old. With how hard and fast he lived, and all his injuries along the way, we never thought he’d make it to ten. We all miss and grieve the loss of our pets, usually claiming “he was the BEST.” This…

  • A Long Quiet Ride

    Tomorrow, I am leaving. I am not sure how often/when I’ll be able to check in or post updates, but I truly look forward to touching base and sharing when and as I can. And though I have not figured out how to connect these things, between Facebook, Instagram (ALongQuietRide) and my travel blog (,…

  • Nothing is not the answer.

    I wrote this six months ago after an intense month working at a midwifery clinic in El Paso where I was graced with and in awe of the power of women of all colors, all races, from all over the world working for… life. Not “pro-life,” just life. It wasn’t about borders, or judgments or…

  • Sharing some deep thoughts and pretty pictures.

    There is a time for expansion, and a time to retreat. There is a time for the inhale, and a time for the exhale. Wholeness comes with the balance of the breath. The inhale. The exhale. What time is this for you? The power of just one breath to balance us, to bring us back…

  • After Equinox.

    The agitation of the wind creates unrest among naked branches. Beneath an unsettled sky, the monotone of a thawing land broken only by the continual call of the river reverberating against still frozen cliffs, while mud caked boots poke through remaining snow drifts and blistered hands touch sunburned noses and the brown back of the…

  • Two different sides of wild.

    ~ ~ ~ Stand still. Listen. A primordial heartbeat, deep and low, buried inside the great expanse of the thawing lake… Felt within like a slow, steady drum, the Earth pulses back to life. Ice moans, the river swells, snow is consumed, and red wind roars from the west. The redwing blackbird, blue bird and robin return. Solstice nears…